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Nada International School sets a new standard in international education, with a dedication to excellence across every school activity. NIS students are nurtured to be critical thinkers, who understand the value of living as part of a diverse community, under the guidance of our outstanding teaching staff.

The school's enriching education and activity programmes inspire students to be highly curious, innovative and spirited. Our students graduate from NIS with a love of learning and the skills to boldly embrace life's challenges. I'm proud of our school community and on behalf of our staff encourage you to explore our website.

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Classroom Boys Fees Girls Fees
KG1 13,063 SAR 13,063 SAR
KG2 19,470 SAR 19,470 SAR
KG3 19,470 SAR 19,470 SAR
GRADE 1 26,125 SAR 26,125 SAR
GRADE 2 26,125 SAR 26,125 SAR
GRADE 3 26,972 SAR 26,972 SAR
GRADE 4 26,972 SAR 26,972 SAR
GRADE 5 27,005 SAR 27,005 SAR
GRADE 6 27,005 SAR 27,005 SAR
GRADE 7 29,535 SAR 29,535 SAR
GRADE 8 29,535 SAR 29,535 SAR
GRADE 9 30,800 SAR 30,800 SAR
GRADE 10 30,700 SAR 30,700 SAR
GRADE 11 33,100 SAR 33,100 SAR
GRADE 12 33,100 SAR 33,100 SAR
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Mohannad Kamil

من أرقى المدارس تعليما، وتعاملا وتربية. الأستاذ محمد وجيه مدير مدارس الأولاد، شخص مثقف وخلوق ومستعد للمساعدة دائما. أبنائي الثلاثة وبنتي يدرسون في المدرسة منذ 6 سنوات وقد تحسن مستواهم أكاديميا وأخلاقيا وحتى على المستوى الشخصي أصبحوا منظمين ومنضبطين. أنصح بها لكل ولي أمر حريص على إعداد أبنائه وتعليمهم بالشكل الصحيح.

احمد امير
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