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زيارة آخر شهر


مؤشر اكتمال بيانات المدرسة


مؤشر التواجد الرقمي

المستوى التعليمي
نوع المدرسة
فئة الطلاب

Located in the Huwaylat District, in Jubail Industrial City, Saudi Arabia, Jubail International School serves as an ideal site for teaching and learning. Its location offers the community easy access in an area which is a part of the Royal Commission.

The school's location has many advantages. First of all it is located in Royal Commission which is a very secure area with constant surveillance for security with patrol cars etc. It is adjacent to a hospital fully equipped with up to date facilities. The area is clean and is close to a commercial area. It is not on any main road; therefore decreasing the chance of traffic accidents. The school is ideally located near the Beach side which is helpful while doing ecosystem studies.

The school itself is housed on a 19700 sqm plot of land. Jubail international School opened in 1999.It was originally located on much smaller premises. It was a coeducation school system. In 2009 by the decree of the Ministry of Education, it was separated into two separate locations, boys sections' and girls' section. Over time, the number of students increased and the then existing premises was deemed inadequate. Construction of a new building was an essential part of School's progressive plan and its mission and vision. Hence a new building was constructed just for the purpose of housing a school, and we moved in it in January 2011.

The Jubail International School is housed in a new purpose-built centrally air-conditioned campus. It opened its doors to the students, staff and parents on the 7th of January, 2011. The students, parents and our staff had been anxiously waiting for the new campus which offers a safe and stimulating environment to about 900 students at present. The school has three sections, with separate entrances, for Boys' Section, Girls' Section and one for Administration Offices.

A well-maintained school building is essential for a proper learning environment. Our new building has large, shared work spaces as well as classrooms that are equipped with latest technology like projectors. The building contains four fully-equipped science laboratories, two rooms for art and design, two clinics, two laboratories for information and computer technology, two spacious libraries, four covered play areas, two canteens, two gymnasiums and an outside sports area. Thus, the school is purpose built with teaching and learning concepts in mind. The new building was inspected by Royal Commission of Jubail and Yanbu, Ministry of Education and Fire & Safety Department and was found to be meeting, and in some instances exceeding, their standards. The girl's gymnasium has a stage, electronically operated stage curtains and a state of the art music/sound system. It provides the perfect setting for various activities and events like Graduation Ceremonies of Reception and Grade 12.

At Jubail International School, the co-operation and camaraderie among all stakeholders has been a significant factor for its success. The responses we have received are very favorable and there is an overwhelming positive view of the school premises as parents are very happy with facilities. The resources and facilities at the school provide ideal learning opportunities to students. Some of these facilities are mentioned below:


The classrooms are spacious and can accommodate 20 to 25 students comfortably. Each classroom has a built in infra structure for technology as well as a white board, which can be easily transformed into a "smart board" with the help of Mimeo technology. Interactive teaching is made possible with these technologies.

School Libraries:

The school has two well-established and modern libraries which house an array of books suitable for all age groups and provide a serene atmosphere for reading, with quick and easy Internet access. These air-conditioned libraries carry more than 7000 books on a variety ofsubjects and topics.

Computer Laboratories:

The school has two fully equipped computer laboratories; each lab offers the students an access to audio-visual and printing facilities. Medical Services: Two full-time registered nurses provide first aid treatment and maintain students' health records.

Science Laboratories:

For students to clearly develop and understand scientific concepts, it is essential to practically experiment whenever required. The school has 4 adequately equipped science laboratories with essential apparatus, chemicals and required instruments for Biology, Physics and Chemistry experiments.


The school's well-equipped art rooms provide the environment where students are facilitated to show their creativity through different mediums of expressions.

Sports Facilities:

At the school, sport is an integral part of school activities, supported by necessary resources. JIS is equipped with two gyms, which are used for various sporting and cultural activities. There are separate courts for basketball and volleyball as well. Among the indoor games, table tennis and badminton facilities are available. Qualified, male and female, physical training instructors supervise students' physical training and all classes have regular sports periods during the week.

less otherwise granted by written agreement.

مرافق المدرسة

عيادة طبية
غرفة أنشطة فنية
صالة رياضية
ملعب كرة قدم
ملاعب أخرى

للاستفادة من ميزة عرض كافة معلومات المدرسة, يُرجى تسجيل الدخول أو إنشاء حساب جديد.


هذا المحتوى غير متوفر ببيانات المدرسة

للاستفادة من ميزة عرض كافة معلومات المدرسة, يُرجى تسجيل الدخول أو إنشاء حساب جديد.

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{{ singleNews.created_at }}

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... المزيد

هذا المحتوى غير متوفر ببيانات المدرسة

للاستفادة من ميزة عرض كافة معلومات المدرسة, يُرجى تسجيل الدخول أو إنشاء حساب جديد.




... المزيد

هذا المحتوى غير متوفر ببيانات المدرسة

للاستفادة من ميزة عرض كافة معلومات المدرسة, يُرجى تسجيل الدخول أو إنشاء حساب جديد.

{{ event.title }}

{{ event.event_date }}

{{ event.details }}

... المزيد

هذا المحتوى غير متوفر ببيانات المدرسة

للاستفادة من ميزة عرض كافة معلومات المدرسة, يُرجى تسجيل الدخول أو إنشاء حساب جديد.



{{ achievement.details }}

... المزيد

هذا المحتوى غير متوفر ببيانات المدرسة

للاستفادة من ميزة عرض كافة معلومات المدرسة, يُرجى تسجيل الدخول أو إنشاء حساب جديد.


هذا المحتوى غير متوفر ببيانات المدرسة

الاعتماد الأكاديمي

هذا المحتوى غير متوفر ببيانات المدرسة

للاستفادة من ميزة عرض كافة معلومات المدرسة, يُرجى تسجيل الدخول أو إنشاء حساب جديد.

الاعتماد الأكاديمي

الرسوم حسب مسار المدرسة التعليمي

للاستفادة من ميزة عرض كافة معلومات المدرسة, يُرجى تسجيل الدخول أو إنشاء حساب جديد.

الصف الرسوم للبنين الرسوم للبنات
روضة 1 (KG 1) 19,000 15,500
روضة 2 (KG 2) 20,000 16,500
تمهيدي (KG 3) 21,000 17,500
أول إبتدائي (Grade 1) 19,000 19,500
ثاني إبتدائي (Grade 2) 19,000 19,900
ثالث إبتدائي (Grade 3) 19,000 19,900
رابع إبتدائي (Grade 4) 20,000 20,500
خامس إبتدائي (Grade 5) 20,000 20,900
سادس إبتدائي (Grade 6) 20,000 21,400
أول متوسط (Grade 7) 22,000 23,000
ثاني متوسط (Grade 8) 22,000 23,400
ثالث متوسط (Grade 9) 22,000 23,400
أول ثانوي (Grade 10) 24,000 25,000
ثاني ثانوي (Grade 11) 25,000 26,000
ثالث ثانوي (Grade 12) 26,000 27,000

احجز وقسط الرسوم الدراسية على دفعات من شهر إلى 12 شهر.

ادفع مصاريف المدرسة مقدمًا وأدرها بكفاءة

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مســـاحة إعلانيـــــة
معرض expo١
اخر الاخبار

{{ singleNews.created_at }}

تفاصيل الخبر
ابرز الانجازات
تقييمات واراء اولياء الامور

7 من التقييمات

عرض الكل

المستوى اﻷكاديمى للمدرسة


التواصل مع المدرسة


الفصول الدراسية و مرافق المدرسة


السلامة و النظافة


اﻷنشطة الترفيهية

تقييمات واراء اولياء الامور

7 من التقييمات


المستوى اﻷكاديمى للمدرسة


التواصل مع المدرسة


الفصول الدراسية و مرافق المدرسة


السلامة و النظافة


اﻷنشطة الترفيهية

الآراء والتعليقات

مشرفة وقائدة المدرسة بقسم البنات غير مؤهلين وغير محترفين اكاديميا وسلوكيا بالتعامل مع الطالبات وكذلك أولياء الامور

شارك تقييمك

هل لديك تجربة سابقة مع المدرسة؟

تقييم المدرسة

تم تقييم المدرسة بنجاح

سيساعدنا تقييمك كثيراً، شكراً لك.

المستوى الاكاديمى والتعليمى
التواصل الفعًال مع أولياء الأمور
الفصول الدراسية ومرافق المدرسة
إهتمام المدرسة بالسلامة العامة والنظافة
إهتمام المدرسة بالأنشطة والفعاليات

لا يمكن ترك الحقل فارغ

لديك استفسار عن المدرسة

إستعرض الاستفسارات المجاب عنها من المدرسة قبل سؤالك

quotation Mark ارسال استفسار للمدرسة
مســـاحة إعلانيـــــة
معرض expo١