زيارة آخر شهر
مؤشر اكتمال بيانات المدرسة
مؤشر التواجد الرقمي
From the Principal
I started my career as a teacher of geography in a comprehensive school in Essex in the UK. As I mentioned to the staff when I first arrived, it was a tough place to begin a career as a teacher, but I learnt a lot, and after three years I moved to a new school in Staffordshire, where I undertook a number of roles including Head of Department, Year Leader, Head of Faculty and Senior Teacher. During this period I was lucky enough to win a Fulbright scholarship to study and teach at New York University for a year. In 1993 I made the decision to move into the international field and took up a post in Kenya as Head of Sixth form and Deputy Head in a new British curriculum school. Two years later, I moved to The Bavarian International School, Munich, as I B coordinator, before moving back to Kenya in 1997 as Head of an international boarding school. I left after seven years to take up the post of Head of School at the British School Manila, where I also enjoyed seven years.
I feel excited and privileged to be part of the BISR community. Every day I work with highly motivated students, a very committed board, enthusiastic and passionate teachers, teaching assistants and admin staff, as well as supportive parents. As an avid football supporter, (though not of Manchester United) I was interested to read Sir Alex Ferguson’s comments recently about the success of his team when he was a manager: He said simply that it is down to hard work at every level of the organisation. That struck a chord with me, and I think that with the superb teachers at BISR, and a lot of hard work, we will be able to continue the drive for excellence in every area of school life.
I believe strongly in a holistic education and that the extra-curricular and co-curricular activities are as important as the formal curriculum. Our boys and girls must develop their natural curiosity and acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research. They must be able to explore concepts, ideas and issues that have global significance, and exercise initiative in applying thinking skills effectively, and to make reasoned, ethical decisions. They must be able to understand and address ideas and information effectively, and act with honesty and integrity, with a strong sense of justice and fairness. They must take responsibility for their own actions. Students of international schools must also try to understand and appreciate their own cultures and be open to the perspectives, values and traditions of others. They should show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They should also give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. If we are able to provide an environment which offers all these, our children will thrive.
I am joined in Riyadh by my wife, Louise, who is a primary teacher, and my two young daughters who keep me in my place, as well as our dog Sammy. As my eldest daughter reminded me recently, ‘You may be the boss at school daddy, but you are not the boss at home’. Don’t I know it!
Thank you for visiting our website. I trust that you will find all the information you require. If not, please contact me personally on [email protected]
Chris Mantz
هذا المحتوى غير متوفر ببيانات المدرسة
هذا المحتوى غير متوفر ببيانات المدرسة
الاعتماد الأكاديمي
الصف | الرسوم للبنين | الرسوم للبنات | |
روضة 1 (KG 1) | 40,829 |
40,829 |
روضة 2 (KG 2) | 57,227 |
57,227 |
تمهيدي (KG 3) | 57,227 |
57,227 |
أول إبتدائي (Grade 1) | 57,227 |
57,227 |
ثاني إبتدائي (Grade 2) | 61,222 |
61,222 |
ثالث إبتدائي (Grade 3) | 61,222 |
61,222 |
رابع إبتدائي (Grade 4) | 61,222 |
61,222 |
خامس إبتدائي (Grade 5) | 61,222 |
61,222 |
سادس إبتدائي (Grade 6) | 66,872 |
66,872 |
أول متوسط (Grade 7) | 66,872 |
66,872 |
ثاني متوسط (Grade 8) | 66,872 |
66,872 |
ثالث متوسط (Grade 9) | 85,241 |
85,241 |
أول ثانوي (Grade 10) | 85,241 |
85,241 |
ثاني ثانوي (Grade 11) | 91,756 |
91,756 |
ثالث ثانوي (Grade 12) | 91,756 |
91,756 |
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تفاصيل الخبرإستعرض الاستفسارات المجاب عنها من المدرسة قبل سؤالك
تقييمات واراء اولياء الامور
7 من التقييمات
عرض الكلالمستوى اﻷكاديمى للمدرسة
التواصل مع المدرسة
الفصول الدراسية و مرافق المدرسة
السلامة و النظافة
اﻷنشطة الترفيهية
الآراء والتعليقات
anas F
من افضل المدارس الي درسنا فيها
Saad Ul hassan
Nice school for nice people overall very nice. But like the only reason i like it is because its very nice. However I also like the school because it is nice. In addition to this the school is also quite nice. Tambien the school is excellently exquisite due to it being very nice
تقييمات واراء اولياء الامور
7 من التقييمات
المستوى اﻷكاديمى للمدرسة
التواصل مع المدرسة
الفصول الدراسية و مرافق المدرسة
السلامة و النظافة
اﻷنشطة الترفيهية
الآراء والتعليقات
يوسف أبو العز
Nour Abdalhamid
The school in the kingdom.
Saad Ul hassan
Nice school for nice people overall very nice. But like the only reason i like it is because its very nice. However I also like the school because it is nice. In addition to this the school is also quite nice. Tambien the school is excellently exquisite due to it being very nice
anas F
من افضل المدارس الي درسنا فيها
شارك تقييمك
هل لديك تجربة سابقة مع المدرسة؟
تقييم المدرسة
تم تقييم المدرسة بنجاح
سيساعدنا تقييمك كثيراً، شكراً لك.