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5 / 4.6 5
54 Ratings
School Data Completeness Index 85.7%

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Educational level

All grades


Boys and Girls

School Profile

Telephone of Institution: +966114051650, +966114030673

Email contact: [email protected]

Address: 52 Ziadah Bin Al Waleed Street, Al-Wisham, Riyadh, SA


Year Established:1998


The school's community is composed of Saudi and non-Saudi nationals mostly from the Middle East, Asia, and North Africa. The staff of the school is composed of educated and experienced educators and skilled support staff from a variety of nationalities.

Educational Program: International Curriculum

American Common Core Standards for Core subjects like Math and English

Saudi National Curriculum for Arabic, Islamic, and social studies.

Subjects taught:

English, Arabic, science, math, social studies, computer science, Islamic studies, French, art, and physical education.


Licensed and accredited by the Ministry of Education and by AdvancED / Cognia.


To educate our students to be professionals with positive values and ensure academic growth through the support of a well-planned curriculum, diverse learning styles & strong cooperation among stakeholders.


To be a leading educational institution offering the best education based on clear standards and a well-established system in response to ever changing global needs.


Alnoor International School is a K-12 American International school that aims at helping students to thrive to become brilliant and creative thinkers with 21st century skills. We offer a well-rounded program of international education to strengthen the self-confidence & character of every learner. We are also a community strongly connected to our philosophy, technologically advanced and continuously supporting and upholding noble human values and family relation.

Our mission and vision propel us to ensure a high quality and standardized delivery of learning and other services related to education. To safeguard this goal, we maintain a team of well-qualified and experienced administrative and teaching staff to support students by teaching them best research-based curricula to achieve their utmost potential.

School Facilities

Medical clinic
Football Playground
Other Playgrounds

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Classroom Boys Fees Girls Fees
KG1 8,800 SAR 8,800 SAR
KG2 8,800 SAR 8,800 SAR
KG3 8,800 SAR 8,800 SAR
GRADE 1 10,000 SAR 10,000 SAR
GRADE 2 13,000 SAR 13,000 SAR
GRADE 3 13,000 SAR 13,000 SAR
GRADE 4 13,000 SAR 13,000 SAR
GRADE 5 13,000 SAR 13,000 SAR
GRADE 6 13,000 SAR 13,000 SAR
GRADE 7 14,000 SAR 14,000 SAR
GRADE 8 14,000 SAR 14,000 SAR
GRADE 9 16,000 SAR 16,000 SAR
GRADE 10 16,000 SAR 16,000 SAR
GRADE 11 17,000 SAR 17,000 SAR
GRADE 12 17,000 SAR 17,000 SAR
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54 Parent
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Adwa ahmad khalid dakheel

معلمون ومعلمات رائعون، إدارة في منتهى الذوق والاحترام

Haroun Islam

uihgvcyfycggggvggghhhghfhvjhgjguhvyhvvcvggbk b gyyhhvv bc vhc hv vvhhgbbbbnhh


مدرسة مميزة بكل المقابيس

سارة مصطفى محمد صالح

طاقم إداري و تعليمي متميز و متعاون

Sara Mohanna

مدرسة مميزة بكادر تدريسي قوي ذو خبرة عالية و على مدار سنين من الخبرة في كيفية التعامل مع الطالب بشتى السبل التعليمية لكم كل التقدير و الاحترام

سعد خالد

تعليم مميز يؤهل الطلاب للمراحل الجامعية بقوة

آدم أحمد

تجربتي مع أبنائي مميزة في مدارس النور، كل الشكر للمعلمين والمعلمات والإدارة المتعاونة

Samia Majd Mohamad

مدرسة متميزة بكادرها التعليمي و الإداري

Salma Saleh Hatem

اختيار موفق جداً. أوصي بها

Asem Tarek Abdo Mohamed

مدرسه اكثر من رائعه انصح بها

Samah Ayham

أداء ممتاز. كادر تعليمي و إداري متعاون جداً

Mai Khalid

I recommend Alnoor International school for its excellent performance

Salwa  Ahmad Abd Rahman

Outstanding teachers and excellent quality of teaching and learning

Suha  Abdulrawof Mohamad  Mahamad

مستوى عالٍ من الكفاءة التعليمية و الإدارية

Ahmed Adel

من افضل مدارس الرياض العالمية حيث تتمتع بمستوى اكاديمى و تعليمى متميز.

Mohaned bebo Mohamed ahmed

very good school

Husam Allaboudy

Great communication great staff and grrat education! Definitely recommended

Haytham Mohanna 8609

Excellent school with outstanding staff.

Hisham Adnan

Excellent school with outstanding staff.

Abu Dania

My children have been in Al Noor for over 8 years. We are so happy with the academic and behavioral input from the school. Thank you Al Noor

Sitina Omer

Excellent school with professional multinational teachers and students.

anteneh hailu

Al noor is the best school with best teachers and disciplined students.

monarkie delaluna

Excellent! GBU

Ali AlAsmari

رائعة وانصح بها نظام اكاديمي متميز ومتابعة عالية لجميع الطلاب تحتوي على مرافق ممتازة وكوادر تعلمية متميزة

Abdul Kareem MP

Excellent learning environment.

Ahmed Hassan

Excellent School with a very experienced and highly qualified teaching staff.....A School that cares for its students and sets high standards and expectations...

Yara Adnan

طاقم ممتاز و حريص على حصول الطالب على أفضل تعليم

Abu Haithem Alhamaideh

مدرسة متميزة ولديها كوادر متعاونه . انصح بها

Elmer Mirafuentes

A very diversified and multicultural school. A community which truly promotes a well rounded learning. All staff members are highly qualified and experienced educators

Falasteen Hassan

an excellent school with qualified staff members

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