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As a mother of five, and a family member of educators, most of my life has been dedicated to building child-centered schools. Early childhood education is a foundational time for learning in every child. That is why MLS International was created by a passionate team of dedicated professionals who strongly believe in the combined role of academic skill building in a trilingual program with a focus on character development.

I am very happy to be able to provide an educational system, which has grown with our students. We offer early childhood (ages 18 months - 5 years) and elementary programs (Kindergarten to Grade 5) based on successful American researched curricula for child development and literacy growth through High Scope at the Early Years, Common Core State Standards for the Elementary Years and Conscious Discipline for all levels. MLS International has focused on integrating literacy programs such as the Lucy Calkins Reading and Writing Workshops, project based learning in science and a social studies curriculum, which represents Arab heritage and reflects our region. MLS International’s technology program includes interactive boards, a Mac Lab and mobile computer lab. We now have a library media center dedicated to supporting our reading program at all levels which includes a librarian and support staff. For all students, MLS’s Counseling Department tracks unique individual needs and provides emotional, social and behavioral support. Most importantly, MLS International celebrates its Arab identity through an Arabic program focused on language and culture.

Whether you have a toddler or an elementary student, your child’s academic, social and emotional development will be guided with programs proven to prepare students to take their place on a global stage. Teachers have received professional development in the latest child-centered and hands-on methodology accredited by AdvancED, one of the largest and oldest accreditation agencies in the United States. Walking into our classrooms, you will see children learning in a creative and nurturing school environment, addressing the whole child.

We look forward to sharing with you the fascinating journey of your child’s education and welcome you to explore our loving and wholesome community.

Aida Adnan

Founder and Director
MLS International

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Fees according to the school's educational path

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Classroom Boys Fees Girls Fees
KG1 45,000 SAR 45,000 SAR
KG2 45,000 SAR 45,000 SAR
KG3 45,000 SAR 45,000 SAR
GRADE 1 65,000 SAR 65,000 SAR
GRADE 2 65,000 SAR 65,000 SAR
GRADE 3 65,000 SAR 65,000 SAR
GRADE 4 65,000 SAR 65,000 SAR
GRADE 5 65,000 SAR 65,000 SAR
GRADE 6 65,000 SAR 65,000 SAR

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Omar Shaarani
October 10, 2019

MLS is by far one of the best school in Riyadh. It’s been two years for my daughters in the school and they loved it. Not only that i see how far they have progressed in their study but also the level of confidence they have. I highly recommend the school and I genuinely believe it’s non profit school

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Opinions and comments

MLS is by far one of the best school in Riyadh. It’s been two years for my daughters in the school and they loved it. Not only that i see how far they have progressed in their study but also the level of confidence they have. I highly recommend the school and I genuinely believe it’s non profit school

Wonderful learning environment and great teachers

الاحتقار والاهانة لاولياء الأمور هي شعار هذه المدرسه ، لي تجربه معهم طريقتهم استفزازية بقبول الطلاب في البدايه لانعرف وممكن نقبل ام لا وعادي جدا خذ ملفك وتعال بعدين وإذا بلعت التعامل يزيدوا العيار لدرجه ماتقدر تتحملها اتوقع مايتحملها الا اللي يرضى الاهانه على نفسه والمشاوير على مدرسه تلقى بديلها ملايين أشك بان هذه المدرسه هدفها الربح

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