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Al-Kon (Global) International School

location Jeddah district Al-Ruwais gender Boys and Girls
3.7 / 5 5


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تتبع مدرسة الكون العالمية المنهج بريطاني واللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أساسيّة، إلا أنه يتم زرع محبّة اللّغة العربية في نفوس الطلاب، حيث يعتمد على منهج لغتي فرحي، الذي يمهّد للطّالب في الصّفوف الدّنيا تسلسلا منهجيّا تصاعديّا ينقله إلى المراحل العليا بسلاسة، وهو منهجٌ وُضع خصّيصا لطلاب المملكة العربيّة السّعوديّة ليتناسب مع جميع الجنسيّات والثّقافات إضافة لحصص تلاوة وتحفيظ قران كريم. وذلك تحت إشراف طاقم إداري وتعليمي متميز وعلى مستوى راق من الخبرات. باستخدام للتكنولوجيا الحديثة.

تستقبل مدرسة الكون العالمية الطلاب والطالبات لتدريسهم من مختلف الأعمار ولكافة المراحل الدراسية.

خدمات وأنشطة

تنوع الأنشطة داخل مدرسة الكون العالمية بين تعليمية، ترفيهية، واجتماعية حيث يتم ﺗﺷﺟﯾﻊ اﻟﻌﻣل اﻹﺟﺗﻣﺎﻋﻲ اﻟﺧﯾري اﻟﺗطوﻋﻲ، كما أن المدرسة مجهزة بصالات رياضية، حمامات سباحة أوليمبية منعزلة، مكتبات، مختبر للحاسوب، ومختبرات علمية مجهزة بأحدث الوسائل، لعيادة طبية مجهزة. كما أن المواصلات مؤمنة لجميع المناطق.

الاعتماد الدولي

حصلت مدرسة الكون العالمية على شهادة الاعتماد الدولي من منظمة العالمية أدفانسد. (AdvancED)

تقع مدرسة الكون العالمية بمدينة جدة حى الرويس

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Fees according to the school's educational path

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Classroom Boys Fees Girls Fees
KG1 16,000 SAR 16,000 SAR
KG2 18,000 SAR 18,000 SAR
GRADE 1 21,000 SAR 21,000 SAR
GRADE 2 21,000 SAR 21,000 SAR
GRADE 3 21,000 SAR 21,000 SAR
GRADE 4 22,000 SAR 22,000 SAR
GRADE 5 22,000 SAR 22,000 SAR
GRADE 6 22,000 SAR 22,000 SAR
GRADE 7 23,500 SAR 23,500 SAR
GRADE 8 23,500 SAR 23,500 SAR
GRADE 9 26,500 SAR 26,500 SAR
GRADE 10 26,500 SAR 26,500 SAR
GRADE 11 28,500 SAR 28,500 SAR
GRADE 12 28,500 SAR 28,500 SAR

Book and pay your tuition fees in installments from 1 month to 12 months..

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معرض expo١
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15 reviews

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Opinions and comments
Khadega Mohammad‎‏
October 10, 2017

i seriously adore most of the teachers...but some teachers are kind but their way of explanation isn't good. i want to advise you to choose from these teachers for grade 7 :mrs.raeda abo shahla,mrs.walaa , mrs.shaimaa are one of the best of the best teacher i really

‏‎Ruba Abbasi‎‏
October 13, 2017

Now.. I ďonot want to rate the school... I will rate the teachers... Mrs. Dina.. Math teacher.. and class teacher.. grade 4 E... she was more than amazing.. she taught my daughter Math concepts in simplified ways that made her love the subject regardless it's complexity in this stage. In addition to being Math and class teacher.. she always helped and supported my daugther with her social issues in school.. Mrs. Dina ... you are one of the main reasons I didnot move my daugther to another school.

Mony Muhammed‎
October 13, 2017

Excellent school with excellent teachers

Parents' ratings and opinions

15 reviews


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Opinions and comments

An incredible school with excellent facilities, constantly striving for improvement for both staff and students. I truly love this school!

Very good school but too crowded

تعامل سيئ جدأ من الموظفين

المصاريف مكلفه و ليس بها تساهيل

مدرسه اكثر من رائعة الكل يمدح فيها

You have to make the school much better and take care of the dada you choose. you have to care for the buildings and the students


you have issue with your telephone system, and communication in general... extensions never work , emails does not answered, mobiles number on your website are not valid!!!!! how can someone reach you????

Now.. I ďonot want to rate the school... I will rate the teachers... Mrs. Dina.. Math teacher.. and class teacher.. grade 4 E... she was more than amazing.. she taught my daughter Math concepts in simplified ways that made her love the subject regardless it's complexity in this stage. In addition to being Math and class teacher.. she always helped and supported my daugther with her social issues in school.. Mrs. Dina ... you are one of the main reasons I didnot move my daugther to another school.

Excellent school with excellent teachers

i seriously adore most of the teachers...but some teachers are kind but their way of explanation isn't good. i want to advise you to choose from these teachers for grade 7 :mrs.raeda abo shahla,mrs.walaa , mrs.shaimaa are one of the best of the best teacher i really

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